Ever since artists became known they were always regarded as men, but what about female artists? Female artists have always been around, if not in one part of the world, they would be in another. Evolving from crafts to fine arts as time progressed, yet, was it lack of training or something more that left female artists shadowed by men for so long? Throughout the building of america the influence of women seeking greater education in fine art became apparent and so could no longer be overlooked. Thus leading to a rise in gender-equality in art and change in gender roles. In prior times, women hardly practiced art as much as they do in modern days. During the renaissance, for example, works made by …show more content…
It was more common to see paintings and drawings of women in domestic settings, cooking, taking care of children, and many other regular activities. Mount breaks the norm with this image, even including a male figure admiring from behind rather than also sketching with her. It expresses a newly found change in gender roles. Where most paintings were made by men and, if present, would depict the artist himself. This piece, however, was not only made by a man but depicted the female figure creating the art rather than the male figure. This could tell the viewer something of what the artists though of gender roles at the time. It was a new idea for most and many artists did not accept it thus rarely allowing women into advanced forms of artistic education. Though this image clearly states the artist's possible perspective on gender roles it also holds an underlying reference to the current era. Though the woman has control of the art in her sketching the image around her depicts a landscape, something that women were, at the time, allowed to create. Ultimately rounding back to though women were granted with the chance to make art freely they had limitations as an artist, in which landscape was one of the only forms of art they could create besides still life, genre, and …show more content…
Women still had limitations on what they could paint in academic settings, yet with each art movement that passed the rules changed slightly till equality was met in the following century. The change of gender roles took time, well into the 20th century for real equality for women in many factions to take place. Female artists were either overlooked by academic settings, the public, or ultimately felt it not worth the struggle of a faulting career as an artist and sided for a married life. Yet the determination of women artists persisted till equality was reached, giving women the freedom to create art and succeed as an