Explain How Genetics Affect Child Development

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Throughout this theme I have learnt many things that will help me to work with children in the future, for example, I have learnt about the importance of genetics in a child’s physical development and how much it can actually affect a child in reaching their milestones, although this is important I have also learnt how important nurture is to a child’s physical development, the theorists I have researched helped me to gain more knowledge and understanding on both nature and nurture and how it affects a child’s physical development, this raised further questions for me on what type of genetic conditions affect a child’s physical development and growth and how badly it may affect the child and how it affects their everyday life, because I understand how genetics affect a child’s physical development this will help me to improve my practice as I can empathise with the child and as I gain more experience within childcare settings it will continue to help improve my practice with this theme. By researching into how nutrition affects a child’s growth and development, I have learnt how important it is for a child to consume to correct nutrition at such a young age to be healthy and develop correctly, they must have the correct nutrition for their bones and muscles to develop in order to be active and physical, this has made me realise why healthy eating campaigns are so important within school settings, by researching nutrition I have now developed more of an understanding of it and in the future this will enable me to carry out activities with the children regarding healthy eating and nutrition. From carrying out research about how nutrition affects a child’s physical development and growth, I am now able to understand why nutrition is so important to the child, because I know how important nutrition is to children, I will later research what type of foods are rich in nutrition, this will then enable me to ensure the children eat healthy within the setting. …show more content…
The information I have researched on children’s nutrition also enables me to advise parents about the foods their children eat, advise such as, having meals as a family which will encourage the children to eat as they see everyone else eating, serve different healthy foods as the same foods will bore the child and they will not eat it, to eat healthy to encourage the child to eat healthy and to involve the children in preparing and making the foods as this will make meals times more fun for them. (http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/habits.html), information like this can be put into a leaflet for the parents to encourage healthy meals at home. A3/A*2 There are many skills required within the setting, it is important that practitioners have empathy for the child so that they understand what the child is going through as they may feel left out if all the other children have a different food to them because that child is allergic, the child may be too young to understand why they have different foods, so it is important to explain to them that it is for their own good in order for the child to grow and develop correctly. I have seen this in my placement, when a child is allergic to foods, the child asked why couldn't they eat the foods that other children were having, sometimes the child would say that she disliked the foods that were given to her in an attempt to get the foods that the other children were eating, however the practitioners explained to her that the foods the other children were eating were bad for that child’s stomach therefore they found alternative healthy foods that gave the child the nutrition that is needed to grow and develop. It is important that practitioners have good and effective communication with both the children and parents within the setting to be able to interact with them both, for example, if a child with a genetic disability has trouble doing something and the practitioner is unable to understand them due to their disability then this is poor practice as something could be seriously wrong with the child therefore it is important for the practitioner to take responsibility in order to

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