Explain How Effectively Does Representative Democracy Operate In The Uk

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How effectively does representative democracy operate in the UK

Democracy in the UK has many operative strengths claimed on its behalf. Proposed legislation in the UK can be processed through parliament very quickly due to no separation of powers, this is because there is a majority in the house of commons of the winning party members who can get their party whips to convince others to vote in a certain way in their favour. In 2001 when the Labour party had a majority in parliament of 165 seats, bills were passed more efficiently as almost the entire party voted for each legislation passed by the Labour party making the country in what Lord Hailsham would call an elective dictatorship.

Another example is Liberal Democracy, which is a type of representative democracy where there is an emphasis on the protection of individual rights and liberties, where the rule of law is
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as it produces legitimacy in government. UK representatives are elected professionals who fairly represent the population. each constituency has an MP who won a majority vote to represent the constituents. MPs are less emotional when it comes to deciding on policies, for example MPs rejected the death penalty. furthermore the people are able to hold them accountable by removing them in future elections. for example the general election of 2010 withdrew legitimacy from Gordon browns labour government. Furthermore the uk parliamentary systems make it vital that members of the government can be made directly accountable to parliament and citizens. The government is constantly accountable to parliament as it must submit all proposals for law to parliament for approval. Also means that government ministers must report regularly to parliament. Overall parliament is held responsible or accountable to ordinary citizens at general elections whereby citizens have the choice to remove their MP and indirectly remove a governing party from

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