Examples Of Killing Duncan In Macbeth

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Macbeth’s decision to murder Duncan and everybody else to fulfill the prophecy, displays his bravery to keep his pride of being the future king.

During King Duncan’s rest, Macbeth had an undecided plan to murder Duncan in order to prove Lady Macbeth that he was courageous. Duncan went on to attempt to murder Duncan, “a floating bloody dagger appear” which led him to a thought which was full of guilt (2.1.44). As Lady Macbeth gave the signal, he knew he had to do it, since it was his pride as a man (1.7.40). In summary, Macbeth was too scared to attempt a murder as it is he who is told by Lady Macbeth why he looks so green and pale. As for the bloody floating dagger, Macbeth overcame his fear by killing Duncan in his sleep. Although, Macbeth’s

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