Macbeth: The Murder Of King Duncan's Macbeth

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Macbeth is the successor of King Duncan after his vicious death. However, Macbeth was suspected as the murderer of King Duncan and other deaths since Macbeth’s reign. He is prosecuted for four charges: first degree murder of King Duncan and Banquo, second degree murder for the two servants, first degree murder of Lady Macduff and her children, and treason against the country. As a juror, my verdict for Macbeth’s charges of murdering King Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff and her children is not guilty. Thus, Macbeth is also not guilty of committing treason against the country because he is not guilty of murdering King Duncan. However, he is guilty of murdering the two servants. Macbeth is convicted for killing the two servants because Macbeth …show more content…
Macbeth was asked by the defense lawyer about his relationship with Macduff. Macbeth replied saying that they were “close”. Macbeth was also surprised that Macduff did not attend to his coronation; thus, Macduff does hold a place in Macbeth’s mind. If they are on good terms, then why would Macbeth murder Lady Macduff and her children? Ross went to England to see Macduff and he told him that his wife and children die. However, Ross only “heard” it from people and the defense mentioned that he did not witness who actually committed the murder. His testimony does not indicate whether Macbeth is the murderer or not. My decision is not based on strong evidence that was presented, but more because there was scarce evidence to prove Macbeth as the …show more content…
Macbeth’s loyalty is apparent through the witnesses’ eyes. Lady Macbeth strongly believes that Macbeth is a “wonderful” person and a “warrior who fought many battles for Scotland”. Lennox also witnessed how the King genuinely trusts him. Macduff also agrees that he is “honest” and “loyal”. All of these testimonies on Macbeth’s character make it hard to believe that he would commit this crime. When the prosecutor asked Macbeth if King Duncan’s death have a positive impact on his life, Macbeth answered plainly, “no”. Despite all the riches he received, he still said no, but he answered with much grief and sadness. The position he is in makes it hard for him to believe that King Duncan’s death actually benefited him. His response shows that there was never any reason for him to kill Duncan. The prosecutors used the prophecy as a motive for Macbeth to kill King Duncan; however, it never said that Macbeth will become king by murdering. Just because it said Macbeth will become the king, doesn’t make him the murderer when King Duncan dies. The prosecution submitted evidence of Macbeth’s fingerprints on the murder weapon and it was argued that the fingerprints were on it when he used it to kill the servants. The prosecution rebuttals and says that the servants’ fingerprints

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