2. Throughout the book I was intrigued by how people drastically different from each other, all ended up influencing Eddie’s life. Whether it was keeping him alive or giving his life purpose, each person was extremely important to Eddie’s existence whether he knew it or not.
3. The way Albom counts down Eddie’s last minutes on Earth makes the reader realize how much we should appreciate life. It truly shows how fast a life can go and how we should do what we …show more content…
The fourth person Eddie met in heaven was the love of his life, Marguerite. She chose her heaven to be a place full of weddings. I believe that she chose this place for the love. When a couple gets married they are at the peak of their relationship. They have found love and are happy as they can be. Eddie and Marguerite had a hard life. Many sad things happened while they were together like Eddie’s parents passing, Eddie’s PTSD and left-over emotions from the war, and ultimately Marguerite’s passing at a young age. They went through many hardships together and sometimes lost sight of this love that couples have at weddings. I think that Marguerite chose that place because she wanted to make up for the love that they had lost sight of. She wanted to feel how she felt on her wedding day with Eddie