Examples Of Ambiguity In The Great Gatsby

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Different people have various views on morals of “good” and “bad”, with many viewpoints conflicting with each other. Depending on one’s perspective, others who see themselves as sincere are truly cruel in the eyes of others. However, there are situations where the line between good and evil blur. This concept is often employed in many stories as a useful tool to progress the story into a unique perspective. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Daisy Buchanan is truly a morally ambiguous character because she never attended Gatsby’s funeral, runs over Myrtle without remorse, and had an affair with Gatsby.
To begin with, Daisy never attended Gatsby's funeral because she finally realizes that she never loved Gatsby. For instance, Daisy in the beginning demonstrated her love and misses Gatsby, but as the story continues and the chapters unveil she begins to feel more distant and soon on after shows no remorse for Gatsby's death. As Nick Carraway illustrates “[...] I could only remember, without resentment, that Daisy hadn't sent a message or a flower” (Fitzgerald 174). Daisy not showing up to the funeral shows that she never loved Gatsby, but was manipulating with his emotions and her husband's emotions that lead to Gatsby’s death.
Furthermore, Myrtle is ran over by Daisy without remorse because she is emotionally unstable. This chapter is especially significant by showing that Daisy cannot control her emotions and is blinded by love that she runs over Myrtle without a slight hesitation. Although the incident is all an accident, Daisy forgets that the incident ever happens by ignoring the incident and soon after letting Gatsby take the bullet for her mistakes only to be clouded by her judgements between her love of Gatsby or Tom.
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With that being said, Gatsby tries to make an excuse by telling Nick, “‘You see, when we left New York she was very nervous and she thought it would steady her to drive [...] this woman rushed out at us just as we were passing a car [...]’” (143). Likewise, Daisy is clouded by emotions of good and bad between Tom and Gatsby, but she can not forget that she ran over Myrtle without remorse. In addition, Daisy is having an affair with Gatsby even though she is married to Tom Buchanan. By having an affair with Gatsby, Daisy is showing that she is not truly pure as the novel portrays her as to be when describing her “[...] as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again” (9). This explains that Daisy is like an angel that when speaking to anyone, the person will give their full attention to her. Daisy uses her talent of talking to attain Gatsby’s love for her, but is caught by Tom. This also gives Gatsby the advantage to make Daisy tell Tom that she never loved him and says to Gatsby, “‘I love you now - isn't that enough? [...] 'I did love him once - but I loved you too’” (132). Moreover, Daisy is confused at who to love when pressured and decides to make rash decisions that make her a wicked person inside. Skeptics may think that Daisy is truly a pure person and that in the end she stayed with Tom because she is loyal

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