In the novel, The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is considered to be a great man, but in actuality, Jay gatsby is the opposite of great. Great is defined as notable, remarkable, exceptionally outstanding; and important; highly significant or consequential. Throughout the novel, Jay Gatsby pretends to be someone who he is not. For starters, Jay Gatsby, is not his …show more content…
Jay Gatsby’s main goal in life is to end up with Daisy Buchanan, who is married and has a child. This demonstrates a great deal of ignorance because he is attempting to ruin a marriage. The first sign of Gatsby’s desperation is evident when he purchases a home that is directly across the bay from Daisy and Tom. In fact, during a conversation between Nick Carraway and Jordan Baker, the two …show more content…
Gatsby’s desperation does not end there. He continues to pursue a relationship with Daisy Buchanan because he believes that he can relive the past. This shows that he does not care about the people that he will hurt in the process, which does not describe what a ‘great’ must portray. Because trying to relive the past and purchasing a home just across the bay from Daisy wasn’t enough, Gatsby has to go as far as taking the blame for Myrtle’s death to try and prove his love for Daisy. Nick asks Gatsby, “Was Daisy driving?” (Fitzgerald 157). Gatsby then replies, “‘Yes’, he said after a moment, ‘but of course I 'll say I was’ (Fitzgerald 157). With Gatsby taking the blame for Daisy, it is understandable that he is willing to go to all lengths to defend the woman that he loves, even though it now makes him guilty of a crime. This does not demonstrate greatness, it simply manifests a man who is willing to do the unthinkable for a woman. Despite the fact that Jay Gatsby is a wealthy and flamboyant man, this ruthless and desperate behaviour cannot be expressed as greatness because these actions are not notable, remarkable, or important… they are simply the