“The bisexual menace revisited” by Kristin Esterberg explores the concept of bisexuality as an identity or behavior and how it compares and contrasts with monosexual identities. Dr. Esterberg holds a Ph.D and is the elected president at SUNY Potsdam. It is worth noting that her spouse is a woman who works at SUNY Potsdam as well. The first portion of her essay explores the paradox in which “bisexuality seems to be both everywhere and nowhere” (278).…
Though transsexuals have this oasis from judgment, bisexuals often do not share the same comforts. Bisexuals of both binary genders suffer a disregard of their identity from the outside heterosexual world. Females deal with their sexuality being seen not as an identity but as a label that pornography companies throw around as an erotic bonus to anything that needs it. The female bisexual label is entirely normalized. Jenny Kangasvuo (2007) writes: In porn magazines, the term 'bisexuality' serves multiple purposes and it is not pinned…
Most doctors and medical students can tell that sex is not always male or female. Occasionally babies are born with indeterminate genitalia which means that from the outside you can’t tell whether…
There is no territory between.” (Stone). Sexual pleasure is, however, part of the reason why some trans decide to go through with the surgery because, in the current sex that they are living in, they are unable to have any…
which presents us with a self versus regulation dilemma. The following is an example of this, “The Constitutional Court of Colombia has issued three decisions which establish important protections of the human rights of intersex people and restrict the authority of parents and physicians to authorize medically unnecessary genital plastic surgery” this law can constrict with the views of doctors who believe that a surgical approach would be a fitting solution (Greenberg, 2). This can be related to the text Case Study: Culture Clash Involving Intersex, “The urologist must believe that the selected treatment will benefit the child and justify the associated surgical and anesthetic risks”, if the medical care provider believed that surgery was the proper option and wanted to go forward with it he could be stopped by the restrictions of the law (Diamond, 213). The provider would then be conflicted in the sense that, he cannot carry out what believes is right and is forced to delay the process due to differences between his ideology and the law itself. Many ethical principles that doctors have which include, their own views and judgement may differ from what the law upholds.…
The article “Family Invites Paxton to Dinner to put a Face on Transgender Issues” discusses the experience the Briggle family faced after inviting the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton over for dinner on Thursday, September 1st. The beginning of the article shared how Adam and Amber Briggle were nervous about having dinner with Paxton. This was because Adam and Amber have a transgender son and knew about Paxton’s recent decision to oppose the expansion of civil rights for gay and transgender people. Paxton opposing to expand civil rights for the gay and transgender population resulted in Adam and Amber to become concerned about their son’s safety when he goes to the bathroom at school. Inviting the Paxton family over for dinner was an act of diplomacy by the Briggle family and was a way for them to bond with the Paxton family; showing they are a family that cares deeply about the safe upbringing of their son in the Dallas-Fort community.…
For people who don’t know what gender they are, who have the “wrong” genitalia for their gender, or for females, sayings like these can be devastating and demoralizing to hear from a friend or loved one. Not everyone is born with 10 fingers and 10 toes, and for an unlucky few these birth defects must seem like a small imposition. Those who are born intersex have altered combinations of male and female physical features. Genetic males can be born with ‘normal’ hormones and testicles, but without a penis or with a smaller one (David Myers, 2014). For these people, the line drawn by society can be blurry and it can be difficult to tell where they belong, “One study reviewed 14 cases of boys who had undergone early sex-reassignment surgery and had been raised as girls.…
Two of the tests the child will undergo once the child is born are to determine the sex and also to rule out that the child does not have congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which is a rare genetic disorder and classified as a medical emergency (15 Notable Ambiguous Genitalia Statistics, 2014). Once that test has been established and the child has been identified as male or female, the child will go into surgery to try and preserve normal sexual functioning and also to create more natural looking genitals. Results of the surgery are often satisfying, but repeated surgeries may be needed later. Studies show that about half the children born with this disorder will wind up with sexually sensitive tissue that may wither or die (15 Notable Ambiguous Genitalia Statistics, 2014). With this being said, as the child continues to grow to an adulthood he might have psychological problems and his chances to encounter bullying are now doubled.…
Prohibitionist’s surrounding the debate of saviour siblings argue that being a continuous donor without giving any consent is greatly dishonourable on a child’s autonomy. Which, should not be seen as compatible with certain strained life experiences. Denying a child the right to make medical decisions regarding their own body, when they are capable of doing so, is neither fair or ethical (Anderson & Christman 2005). Despite the success of the cases stated above, the birth of these saviour siblings highlights the controversy and raised ethical concerns about the welfare of these children. However, upon review, the HFEA claimed that provided there are strict conditions regulating the practice, the welfare of both the children would be equally…
1990. “The Medical Construction of Gender: Case Management of Intersexed Infants.” Signs 16(1):3–26. Retrieved March 18, 2017 (http://www.jstor.org/stable/3174605). Lorber, Judith. 1994.…
When someone from this community enters our facilities and sees that they cannot identify with a bathroom or their identity is not an option on the paperwork, this creates an oppressive environment from the beginning, further preventing them from reaching their wellness goals. Regarding financial access, I always assure myself to inform them of our sliding scale and where to get insurance coverage in our county. As a clinician, it is also important to understand the intersectionality of this community and issues faced to not perpetuate marginalization. At the macro level, I have lobbied for bills that affect the trans community in support for the birth certificate modernization act. Though this experience, I have heard the difficulties that this community faces daily and how under current law, healthcare providers are the ones that must decide their treatment, rather than collaborating and providing gender affirming care.…
Some organizations will do the procedure if one of the parents is a carrier for a gender-related genetic disorder. The family has to meet certain criteria to qualify, they must be married and already have one child of the opposite gender. Many people see the zygote or pre-embryo as a person already and thus that we are altering the human being and changing the child's already determined gender, which can be called trying to play God. " The unpredictability of the child produced is an intrinsic feature of human reproduction" (McDougall, 2005).…
Recently, Gender Dysphoric has been medicalized and added to the…
It is also not uncommon to hear about transgender people performing “self-surgery” on themselves to remove certain parts of the body, which is a huge risk factor and can come with deadly…
Bisexuality has been an ambiguous sexual identity. Due to the progressive transformation in the history of bisexuality, it has been difficult to distinctively define the term. This has resulted in many debates surrounding the distinctive historical formation of the term. It is necessary for us to comprehend the term bisexuality so that it can stand the test of time especially as the concept gains massive popularity in this day and age. Today, bisexuality is all around us and has become a dominant part of our daily lives and our popular culture.…