Should Juveniles Be Prosecuted As Adults Essay

Improved Essays
A huge controversy that is still up for debate is Should juveniles be prosecuted as adults? Should teens who commit crime be punished like adults or continue to get chances to make things right. Everybody make mistakes nobody’s perfect everyone has done things they wish they could take back. When you’re young you don’t know any better you tend to do things you aren’t aware of. Being young you’re going to make mistakes it’s all apart of growing up. Eighteen is considered the age you’re classified as an adult also the age where teens are trialed and not treated like minors anymore.
When a minor commits a crime their punishment isn’t really a punishment because they’re young their punishment isn’t harsh. Why is that? Well prison is made for serious criminals where things can happen there it’s just not a place minors should be. The crimes that happen in prison are a hazard to a minor’s life. If minors were trialed as adults this would be a serious problem because their safety is at risk and there are so many types of crimes and criminals who commit those crimes in prison facilities. For example, if a minor who was charged with battery and
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It’s a possibility that it can and a chance it won’t work. Basically, this will have to be tested like an experiment. An experiment 30 day experiment should be done to see how much the crime rate will change if we trial minors who commit serious offenses. Usually, minors who commit less offensive crimes won’t do it again so they wouldn’t be a bother. As much as this needs to happen unfortunately it can’t. This would have take more time and if it doesn’t work then what will stop minors from doing crime. The programs they have now work, but you see juveniles to get in more trouble even with the jail visit. The jail visit is supposed to help them change, but for the ones’ it don’t help they do crime again sometimes even worse

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