Essay On The Progressive Era

Improved Essays
Dreams of being a mother during the 19th century were demolished when the birth rate of babies

increased dramatically, for the only way to “care” for a child, was to abandon them. A mother’s instincts

are loving, protecting and caring unconditionally for their child. Through the early times, the birth rate of

newborns was insignificantly high, due to many reasons, one being the lack of way to avoid pregnancy.

The consequence of mothers was having to "get rid" of their babies, for their dreams of becoming

mommies was "smothered by poverty and want" (p.68). Thousands of hopeless infants left on the porches

and streets for the in taking of anyone...

The years ranging from 1890s to the 1920s are also known as “The Progressive Era;” A period

in time
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During the progressive era, people that put their best foot forward

in ending all deleterious laws in our country were called the "progressives." Progressives were mostly

bourgeois men and women, white Americans, and collegiately educated. These individuals desired for the

The document is a small section of Riis’ book, informing and describing the process of what

would or what was happening to poor “waifs” (pg.68) of the late 1800s. In the 1890, a well-known

book called “How the Other Half Lives” (p.67) was published. The book was written by (most famous

for his journalism), Jacob Riis. Jacob Riis at the age of forty, revealed the ongoing abandonment of

infants and other hidden horrors of the “New York slums” (p.67). “The New York slums” (p.67) were

immensely poor neighborhoods that were occupied by large amounts of unprivileged beings. Hence the

poor population, “Young mothers without wedding-rings” started leaving their newborns on doorsteps

of the wealthy, hoping the owners of the house would gladly take in a helpless baby. Sadly, the wealthy

did not take in poor babies left on their porch. “It never happens outside the story-books that a baby

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