Essay On The Creation Of The Universe

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Perhaps one of the most puzzling questions throughout modern history is how the universe came to be. When discussing the creation of the universe and humanity, it becomes rather difficult to have the ability to defend one’s own beliefs, regardless of how correct they believe themselves to be. Proponents of theories that involve naturally caused reasons for the creation of the universe are those who appear to have the most empirical and practical evidence. Completed studies and observations over the course of multiple centuries have been considered successful as they have explained the reasoning behind naturally occurring processes that allowed the early formations of the universe to take place; however, the inability to disprove nearly all …show more content…
Since the rise of scientific studies, scientists have conducted many experiments that have come to support naturalistic theories through the use of geological or biological terms. For instance, scientific studies have come to explain that the earth was created roughly 5 billion years ago due to gas particles remaining from the creation of the sun, which in turn led to the creation of the universe. Such evidence and propositions have allowed people over time to question their own beliefs in all aspects of life, not just the creation of the universe. David Winter, a writer and devoted Christian, was raised in Orthodox Christian household and is a prime example of one who contemplates his beliefs and considers realistic and rather appealing scientific thought. In one of his famous works, he claims that writers of certain parts of the Bible simply ignored scientific and historical events that are perhaps more realistic than allegorical elements of the Bible: “It is a distortion…of these creation stories to ignore the poetry, shut one’s eyes to the drama and concentrate on the very things that the writer could not possibly have regarded as important: the order of events and the scientific method of creation” (Winter 24). As scientific thought continues to grow in today’s society, the reality of questioning one’s beliefs based on emotion …show more content…
In a scientific aspect, empirical evidence appears to be solid and quite believable; however, scientific reasoning does not have a sense of falsifiability, which allows supernatural causal theories to be considered plausible. While supernatural theories may not be considered falsifiable, they are essential to human faith and ultimately act as the only backup explanation when negating the falsifiability of naturalistic causal theories. I do not believe that the answers to the question of creation will ever be discovered; however, scientific and natural theories appeal to me due to their practical evidence. While the evidence may strong, we cannot recreate such events to essentially disprove them. With that being the case, I leave my trust in supernatural causes as well. I believe that there is one important figure outside of the realm of understanding of mankind who is responsible for the creation of the earth, the reason for bringing life to the non-living and that the unfathomable figure themselves has an ultimate purpose for doing so. I can say I am certain in these beliefs only due to my sense of faith and trust. Of course, I cannot prove such supernatural causes, but in regards to supernatural theories, I believe faith and trust are sufficient evidence to us as humans who constantly contemplate the creation of the universe. The answer to the question of how the

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