Essay On The 19th Amendment

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An amendment is an official change made to a law, constitution, or other legal document. The 19th amendment guaranteed voting rights to all American woman. During the 1920, women were seen less superior than men. This occurred as a result of World War One because men went to war and women were left to take the roles of men, such as making money and working factory jobs in order to feed their families. Women become more advanced and grow independently and relied less on men in this era. The victory of this amendment took decades to be passed.This amendment was ratified on August 24,1920. The first three states to approve this amendment were Illinois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Over the time period, the role of women changed drastically. Women’s role changed politically, socially, and economically.

Women were now able to vote, serve in juries and own property. Women were able to dress more openly, they had their own identity rather than shadowing their husbands. New fashion sense was brought to life and new ideas that
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It lasted many years and involved many people. The Seneca Falls Convention started the fight for women’s rights in 1848. The convention was created by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott, the two most radical and powerful suffragists. These women thought that they had the responsibility to fight for their own rights, and thought that women's thoughts and options should not be degraded. Women were looked down upon by men, which is completely unfair. Women were taught to be clueless and stupid, they were taught that their only responsibility was to take care of the home and children.When it came to other issues their opinion was disregarded and dismissed. Many people opposed to the idea of women's rights. Men, of course, being the majority of it. They thought that women weren't as smart. They thought they could represent women better than women

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