But it also gave all the women around the world the faith and the confidence to do anything a maiden wants to do. Carrie Chapman Catt once said that “us women in the adjustment of the new order, we women demand equal voices and no less.”This means that all the women demand freedom,also known as equal voices in the quote.Well how may one demand freedom well with confidence.This amendment so so mighty it changed how women thought and acted.
All this doesn't happen in the matter of minutes more like in the matter of over 70 years, according to liheral.com.The women's right movement (a hardworking group of maidens that achieved the 19 amendment and much more) started since the 1800’s.At the moment they only wanted to vote till they grew a famine for more.It also took lots of effort and the women's right movement grew larger ;it took many people like Susan B Anthony, Lucy Stone, Abby Kelley Foster, just to name a few.This 19 amendment was very hard earned by theses courageous