Essay On Gender Inequality In Sports

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Generally, when a member from the opposite gender participates in a “gender-specific sport”, it is considered deviant or unusual, such as is the case for female football players, female wrestlers, male cheerleaders, and male ballet performers. In the latter two cases, Meredith Worthen and Danielle Dirks explain in the text “Gender and Deviance” that these male athletes “destigmatize” their involvement in what are considered feminine sports by engaging in what are defined by Worthen and Dirks as “stigma management techniques” to effectively communicate their masculinity and gender in moments that stray from heteronormativity. When males willfully participate in a sport that does not have the same socially negotiated connotations as “male” sports, mechanisms are used to disassociate and distinguish from stereotyped gender behaviors and activities, even when these practices are essentially no different from any other sport. From the outset, male dominated sports like football or baseball are given much more media attention than female dominated sports like volleyball or softball. When the sport is played by both women and men, the male sport is generally given more media attention, like basketball. When the sport is deemed a “female sport” and there are few male participants, the sport receives little to no media attention at all. These general trends can be seen in all the different levels of sport, from coaching, refereeing, and commentating, to television and funding, as all are centered on men and male dominated sports. One recent series of incidents that brought light to the gender inequalities that exist in the sports world was the 2015 Women’s World Cup in which women national soccer teams were forced to play soccer matches on artificial turf fields instead of grass fields. These turf fields, while less expensive and easier to maintain than grass fields, are known to be infamous among soccer players for producing severe injuries, causing turf burns, and disrupting the flow of play. Many of the athletes who participated in the tournament turned to social media to display graphic imagines of injuries and burns that were a direct result of the rough and unforgiving playing field. Meanwhile, the 2014 Men’s World Cup was played entirely on grass fields and no major men’s tournament has ever been played on grass. Even on the biggest and most professional stages of sport, women are often treated as inferior to men, receiving less or worse equipment, resources, and facilities. The two groups, quite literally, have unequal playing fields. Gender inequality is also seen at the collegiate level of athletics. …show more content…
According to the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s published and publicly available Gender-Equity Report, female athletes are at a disadvantage to male athletes just by the numbers and expenses. In the 2004-2010 NCAA Gender-Equity Report, the median overall total expenses for men’s Division I sports was higher across the board for every athletic season from 2004 to 2010. In the 2009-2010 athletic year, the median overall total generated revenues for men’s Division I sports was $2,186,700, while women’s sports generated only 14.5 percent of that amount at $317,900. In every year from 2004 to 2010, more money in scholarships were rewarded in men’s Division I sports than women’s sports. The report goes on to present charts and tables in head coaching salaries, assistant coaching salaries, athletics participation, recruiting expenses, and other areas but the general trends still remain. Even in the instances where the numbers show a decrease in the expense and participation gaps, that decrease is slight at most, with men’s sports still receiving significant more funding and attention. These general trends are both disturbing and revealing: they shed light on the unfair disadvantages that women face in the institution of sport and leave little room for optimism if the same conditions and attitudes continue to exist in the coming years. Sociology also has much to say about the sport institution when considering race and class factors as well. When examining these aspects, it is possible to see even further inequalities within the existing gender inequalities that have already been outlined previously. Moneque Pickett, Marvin Dawkins, and Jomills Braddock write in their article Race and Gender Equity in Sports that “although purchasing a basketball is considerably cheaper than purchasing a horse, equestrian gear,

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