Citizens have the right to speak freely about anything especially the things that are not common belief. However, anyone who is around the speech has a right to disagree and comment back. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all speech is appropriate or pleasing to all receivers. Many studies show that people are more likely to speak nasty and hateful things online where many people can see. This has become a problem because the hate speech has emotionally damaged the self-esteems of many individuals. This is an infringement on the right of others to not be slandered or bullied. While having the right to free speech is crucial and almost limitless there are many possible damages that could result from free speech. Some of the nasty things said online, in schools, or in person has caused the depression or death of others. This kind of speech should be considered carefully. Where much is given, much is required. Therefore, freedom of speech without many limits means a great deal of responsibilities and duties are required. One of the duties of an American citizen who has the freedom of speech is the right to have peacefully assemble. …show more content…
If the citizen protests in a disrupting or harming way the citizen has failed to fulfill their duty and has violated the rights of others. This behavior is not protected by the First Amendment and may lead to arrest. Another duty that an American is responsible for is to watch what they say, especially while online. This is the citizen’s duty to be responsible for anything that they say. This is because words can do damage and cannot be taken back once they are said. This applies today even more now than ever because of the social media sites where people can openly post their thoughts. Yet, people do not realize these posts can never be deleted and there is always proof left behind. A third duty is to speak in a way that is not hateful towards others. Hate speech about any racial, sexual, threatening, or religious biases is not acceptable and can be punished if it harms others. All these duties if not followed can lead to very negative or harmful consequences. One the most dangerous consequences is suicide from being bullied with hateful words. A milder consequence would be leaving others depressed or mentally damaged from words that are said. Free speech can be great when standing up for others, rights, or defending beliefs. However, words can have positive power or negative power and how we use them can be crucial. Another consequence is the fact that anything said online can be easily looked up and never erased. That means your behavior is on constant display for all to see including family, strangers, employers, and the