The purpose of professional racing is to discover the best and most capable person for an event with the largest amount of fairness as possible for all categories. This would be why officials separated males and females, males would have more of a chance of winning due to their bodies. Aside from the consequences of the outliers, racing must be kept as fair as possible. …show more content…
This increases fairness, even though nothing is completely fair. Testosterone builds muscle mass and helps people ultimately perform better. When a women has three times the normal testosterone on average, she is going to be better in almost every way. That is not fair for other women who don’t have that advantage. It would be fairer to put Chand and others in a separate group or with men. Even though it’s not fair to Chand to have to be removed, it makes the race fair and it would fulfill the purpose. According to Aristotle, life is to be lived for the better. In joining a tougher division, Chan would be developing courage, independence and strength of mind. She would be forcing habit, and bring these attributes into her character. Then she could pass these virtues down to her children: in which she would be creating a better life for family and