Aristotle's Code Of Ethics In Human Engineering

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Looking at the advances of the human race for the last few hundred years, the advancements that have been made are truly astounding, which can be attributed to the human desire to improve living conditions and significantly enhance our understanding of the universe, as well as ourselves. The mechanism for getting from an age of difficult labor and harsh living conditions to the present technologically driven world of knowledge and possibilities is through engineering. Engineering has flourished through endless motivation to better humanity. Most engineers will claim they are motivated to work with cutting edge technology to develop devices or systems that solve problems that exist in our world, or that can make current ways of doings things …show more content…
(CITE) This ethical thinking was first explored by Aristotle around 350 BC; he identified several factors that largely developed human virtue. The main focus on virtue, or Arete, is whatever makes a thing an “outstanding specimen” of its kind, or significantly special. We use this descriptor to evaluate the attributes of things based on quality and their development. Additionally, Aristotle addressed the existence of happiness, or eudaimonia in people as a naturally existing emotion, and very often a motivation for people to do things. People are motivated by happiness, primarily because it gives meaning, fulfilment, and value to life. This transitions into the last focal point of Aristotle’s reflections on virtue. He explored the idea of an end, aim, goal, or purpose associated with life, otherwise known as telos. This is significant to virtue ethics as a connector to the other characteristics previously mentioned; telos serves as a purpose for things. Without telos, we enter a nihilistic standpoint and meaningless

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