Essay On African American Race

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Societies, ancient and modern, have always had notions that have originated divides in humans. In antiquated times people were divided by ideologies such as religion, class, or status rather than physical appearances. The idea of racial divides is fairly new compared to older boundaries that resulted in segregation. Although slavery has existed throughout the entirety of the human race, it is believed that “racism” was not introduced until the introduction of African American slavery. Retrospectively, race perhaps was not meant to develop into what it is today. Now, race has an impact on everyone’s daily life. It is has evolved into common sense and something natural. Today society commonly associates Middle Easterners with terrorism, African Americans with slavery, or even Hispanics to illegal aliens. My purpose of this paper is to explain how “race”, something that is technically nonexistent, can have life changing impacts on the way communities of similar individuals are treated. I will be using Roger Daniels work, Incarceration of the Japanese …show more content…
“Japanese Americans were explicitly told that the simple fact of their ancestry would override any amount of patriotism.” Although they showed utter commitment to the United States, they were still treated as enemies. Although Japanese Americans had done no crime, they were all relocated because of their ancestry. America did not see them as citizens, although two-thirds had been born in the United States an over 70 percent were indeed American Citizens. “But unlike internment, which was based, however inaccurately, on something the individual did or was supposed to have done, the incarceration of Japanese Americans was based on birth or ancestry” (Daniels 301). Japanese Americans were subjected to discrimination and unjustified laws which included limitations to owning land, businesses, or even becoming citizens because

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