African American Racial Injustice Essay

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African Americans have a long and difficult history in the United States. They were once property that could be bought and sold. They once had separate water fountains, bathrooms, and schools than whites. They had to fight for their rights in America and even though they have as many rights as every other American under the letter of the law, there are areas in which they still have to deal with undo ridicule, harassment, and injustices in our society.
This paper is going to explore the complex issues involving law enforcement’s often unfair treatment of African Americans and the effects it has. My intention is to explore the unfair application of laws, arrest and incarcerations rates, and sentencing disparities between races.
Racial disparities have recently been thrust into the spotlight in the United States after a series of controversial instances where the African American community felt that justice was not served and that the justice system itself was biased against them. Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, and Michael Brown chief among these cases. These are very controversial topic that has exposed vitriol and anger from both sides. Personally, I am a strong proponent of law enforcement reform and reforming our justice system in the United States. The United States incarcerates more people per 1,000 citizens than any other
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Although, it seems like it should be common sense that when respect and humanity is showed to another person, they respond much more positively than if you treat them like they were inferior. It’s important to understand because as much as police stereotype African Americans, African Americans also stereotype police based on their interactions with

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