During the era of World War 2, the British government was secretly trying to crack Enigma, that was until Alan Turing has shown up. Alan Turing was a mathematician, who believed that he could invent a machine that could process encrypted messages and solve them. Although everyone he worked with him though he was truly a madman, he kept working on it each day even though there could be hundreds of people dying by him not trying to at least solve one encrypted code a day. But in the end he was able to finish his machine and break Enigma. Sadly in 1952, he had been arrested for being homosexual, which at the time was illegal in Britain and later committed suicide after years of “hormonal therapy” to “fix” him. Luckily in 2009 he received full pardon. This true story shows how far people go to survive because, even though Turing knew people were dying each day he went to the “kill two birds with one stone” scenario by solving Enigma and potentially saving the whole world and ending World War
During the era of World War 2, the British government was secretly trying to crack Enigma, that was until Alan Turing has shown up. Alan Turing was a mathematician, who believed that he could invent a machine that could process encrypted messages and solve them. Although everyone he worked with him though he was truly a madman, he kept working on it each day even though there could be hundreds of people dying by him not trying to at least solve one encrypted code a day. But in the end he was able to finish his machine and break Enigma. Sadly in 1952, he had been arrested for being homosexual, which at the time was illegal in Britain and later committed suicide after years of “hormonal therapy” to “fix” him. Luckily in 2009 he received full pardon. This true story shows how far people go to survive because, even though Turing knew people were dying each day he went to the “kill two birds with one stone” scenario by solving Enigma and potentially saving the whole world and ending World War