Eradicating Hunger Theory

Improved Essays
Eradicating the Theory of Hunger: Hunger emerges from the fluctuating levels of poverty. But what would you say if you were told the solution to eradicating hunger rests not in the minds of politicians rather rests in the depths of your mind and free will? In the United States alone, hunger is associated with a social stigma that has become socially unacceptable to speak of, but what would happen if humanity can overcome the social stigma associated with hunger? A simple request to ask of many of us, why then is this so difficult to speak of? According to a recent University of California survey, the University of California, Riverside alone experiences a sixty-five percent of poverty stricken hunger just amongst its students alone. That …show more content…
Many of the well established people in our capitalistic society believe that hunger is merely a myth and could be considered a factor of society that is simply not found within the first class world that we live in. But reality is different than what we are told to believe. Due to the natural tendency of humans to cower from the shame that poverty leads to, many mouths will go hungry tonight and will continue to do so for an unknown period of time. Knowing hunger is not defined by a stable period of time but can be considered a dynamic factor in a majority of the world's population. How can you still believe that the answer to eradicating hunger exists? The answer lies in the power that derives from individual choice. When we exercise the power of individual choice, a foundation for behavior is established for policy to …show more content…
Subsequently, modern times require many to shape policy based on the role of individual choice. Accordingly, writers such as Marion Nestle and Dorothy Roberts have risen the topic of welfare and who is entitled to it. Throughout their papers, Nestle and Roberts have continuously informed the public of how the majority of hunger is derived from poverty that is established out of unequal access. For example, Nestle early on in her essay goes on to define the difference between hunger and food insecurity to further prove that many in our society remain uninformed of how poverty and hunger coexist in our society. Moreover, how the majority of our poverty is caused by the lack of awareness of the role individual choice plays in our own country. Nestle goes on to define the difference between hunger and poverty as, "...hunger studies distinguish 'hunger' from 'food insecurity' and 'malnutrition.' Food insecurity is a condition of inadequate access to food or to the resources to obtain food by means that are socially acceptable (Nestle)." Under those circumstances, Nestle encourages welfare to be distributed but with measures created to counteract the often taken of

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