Equality In Peter Singer's All Animals Are Equal

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In human history, a number of oppressed groups have campaigned for equality, demanding for an expansion on the moral view of life. This does not mean that the oppressed groups and the groups in power are treated the same. What it means, is that they are treated fairly in the eye of consideration. This means that when matter concerns this group, their voices is heard, and treated with value, and consideration. Making the oppressed group equal with the one in power for that particular situation. Where this equality is not determined by a assembly of facts like that group’s collective intelligence levels, the colour of their skin, or the physical strength of their bodies. This is what Peter Singer brings up in his essay: “All Animals are Equal”, …show more content…
This theory is about the characteristic of feeling pain, to suffer, both physically and mentally. How primates, as well as other non-human animals, can feel this pain, shows that they deserve the right of equal consideration. Like humans, they are social animals, so when isolated or confined, they will suffer, and gain mental illness like depression. Chimpanzee's young act without thinking of the consequences, and a gain maturity as they age, similar with many humans. Being the closest species of the human race, it is no surprise that we share similar characteristics with chimpanzees. Therefore, chimpanzees and other primates, should have the right to be able to live mentally and physical pain free lives as much as possible, like the world tries to do for every …show more content…
To give primates rights, would to give them consideration when matters involve them. There is no moral reason for humans see ourselves above our pre-evolved selves (primates), nor a reason why a right, must be limited to one species. Like humans, primates can feel pain, both physical and mentally, and thus, should live in a world where they do not feel this pain being caused to them. When it comes a time when that primates needs legal representation, or wants to sue a human, or human company, they should be allowed to. Paying for it by using money set aside in a trust fund for this reason. This is not saying that other non-human animals do not deserve these changes. Yet, for society to change, there has to be a start. Once these events are mutually accepted by the human society, than other non-human animals can be allowed to be equally considered, as there is no moral reason why humans should be the only animal with

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