“We were walking on the road and the sun was setting, we stopped up for camp,” George said as I thought about George’s unstable emotions. What I thought was that if Lennie was with George all those years, even when they were young children, did George ever think of this kind of reckless and sad future?
“Lennie stupidly dipped his fingers into some strange lake, luckily it was running,” George said laughing. While he laughed I asked myself, why is George laughing, was it because he wants this to be some big joke?
“Then he dipped his hands in his pockets and I asked him what’s in the pocket he answered nothing childishly, but I got it out and it was a mouse, he said he found it dead, but I knew,” George continued. As that side tracked my thoughts and sat there shocked, he killed the mouse because he was scared, maybe that incident was because he was scared, still that’s no excuse but he just ain't right in the head.
“After a while we set up camp and I pulled out 3 cans of beans and he impatiently said ‘I like ‘em with ketchup’ I don’t know why probably because I …show more content…
I thought about it all and it all just ain't right, was it because when Lennie's scared he clenches, or he just wanted her to be quiet, by the looks of the barn it looks like quite a struggle, even the pup died, Lennie's actions were reckless and wrong, but did he really deserve the death penalty before he was even charged, would he even understand what he would be charged with, did George really save him, all these questions ran through my head randomly, but I know one of those answers, Lennie and his story just ain’t