This report provides an analysis and evaluation of environmental planning of Australia and urban development. There are 3 relevant case studies of ecologically sustainable development that is clean land, clean air and plan for a clear environment. All the information presented and conceptualizes the state of environmental planning in Australia in relationship between urban form community and government attitudes to natural processes, resource management and policy development and also applying practical ideas to corporate sustainability management in Australia.
The evolution of environmental sustainability started in the 20th century, the first problem recognized by the environmental managers was the air pollution …show more content…
These policies are tackling climate change while assisting to decrease costs for homes and businesses.
Emissions Reduction Fund
The Emissions Reduction Fund and the Safeguard Mechanism are at the central parts of the Government’s tactic to manage climate change. The $2.55 billion fund is supporting national businesses, communities and landholders to carry out activities which decrease or avoid greenhouse gas emissions. The fund aids a various projects, including improving energy productivity, seizing methane from landfills and storing carbon in forests and soils.
“To this day the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) has bought 143 million tons of emissions reductions from hundreds of projects at a mediocre price of $12.10 per ton.”
The Safeguard Mechanism makes certain that emissions reductions are purchased by the Government are not counterbalanced by substantial rises in emissions beyond business-as-usual levels elsewhere in the economy. The Safeguard Mechanism was supposed to start on 1 July …show more content…
So far, over 2.5 million houses have solar systems. This has the world’s highest penetration rate of Solar PV on household roofs—15 per cent. This is more than twice the next highest.
The Renewable Energy goal will see a doubling of large scale renewable energy under the Renewable Energy Target by 2020.
We are dedicated towards defending and renovating Australia’s natural landscapes. Our Green Army, the National Land-care Programme and the 20 Million Trees initiative have been an exceptional success in helping local communities to take action and save their local environment.
Green Army
The Green Army programme has made a noteworthy involvement not only to our environment, but to the lives of youngsters and their communities all over the country as well. Providing young citizens from ages 17 to 24 the chance to gain skills and practical experience in environmental and heritage upkeep, the Green Army assists participants find careers and at the same time also generates real welfare for the natural