Why would the color of your skin have effect in your life. People wouldn't let other people touch blacks, talk to them, see them, or anything. But no one really talking out it now. People get really offended about it.
If i lived back in the day i think i would have been in jail or killed but i wouldn't have put up with that. Blacks were so scared of whites cause they controlled their life and what the whites did affect them. They ordered them all round not even saying thank you. They would call them nigger in there face and couldn't do nothing about they just had to deal with it and i think it would kill me. I would be able to do it they were so strong. Whites were so lazy and had everything handed to them. Blacks had dreams of being something they could of accomplished it.
They could of had a life they wanted but racism had to get in there way. Its really sad to talk about this i don't know how people could do this to someone. They literally had no heart. Black women would look over white womens children and raise them as their own and the moms really never connected with their children. Its was so heartbreaking when the women fired a black women because of something so small and the black women had to say goodbye to the woman's child, the child was basically the black women cause the women raised