Oil is a fossil fuel. It was created millions of years ago from the remains of prehistoric organisms at the bottom of lakes or oceans.10,9,17 Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of dead plants or animals.The plants or animals were called plankton.10,9,17 The plankton could form oil in about 150 million year. Oil is a natural resource.10,9,17 Oil is a natural resource.9,19 A natural resource is a material provided by Earth that can be used to make something more complex.9,19
There are many oil …show more content…
Oil is also known as a solid which is called Bitumen. Oil can look black or yellow. Oil is greasy. Oil’s properties allows it float on water.20,7,6
Like I said before, Oil is just a liquid form. There is also Bitumen.4 Bitumen can be known as asphalt cement.4 Bitumen is mostly used for road construction.4 Bitumen can be sticky and black.4 Oil is also known as petroleum.4 Petroleum is more of a scientific term.4
Oil can be different in viscosity, volatility, and toxicity.4 Viscosity-oil’s resistance to flow.4 Volatility-The quickness of how oil will evaporate into the air.4 Toxicity-How poisonous oil is the people or organisms.4 The very light oils (first type) are jet fuels and gasoline.4 Since this type is very volatile, it evaporates the quickest of the types.4 They have high concentrations of toxic compounds. It isn’t possible to clean them up.4 The second type is light oils.4 There are 4 different types.4 Light oils consist of diesel, no. 2 fuel oil, and light crudes. Unusual and interesting facts.4 They are moderately volatile and will leave residue. It is pretty effective to cleanup. The third type is medium oils. Most crude oils are in this type. ⅓ of the oil will evaporate within 24 hours. Oil contamination can be severe. If the oil makes contact with water flow or mammals, it can be very serious. It is best for oil to be cleaned up quickly to get the best results.4 The fourth and final type is the heavy …show more content…
It was claimed though that there was an event to undermine the negotiation.2,3
Ninety-five percent of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings come from petroleum.2,3 It is easily weak to when prices change. Nigeria is considering delaying paying their state employees. The banks are considering increasing interest rates and investment costs.2,3
Oil not only affects the countries, but it affects the environment. Oil spills affect the environment and countries. They have positive and negative effects. Oil spills provide work and services for companies, which makes money for them. The oil spills also affect the animals. It can kill animals. It affects global warming. It pollutes the air. Mainly the sea is where the animals are affected. The population of sea animals is decreasing. Some animals that are affected are the pelicans, bottlenose dolphins, sea turtles, sperm whales, loons, red snappers, oysters, crabs, whale sharks, and tuna.23
The world will eventually run out of oil. We may find a replacement, but it will be a while from now. We all should realize the importance of