Effects Of Money In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel money has a big effect on the characters. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is all about wealth, and how money changes the characters, leading them to make bad choices. In the novel, wealth changes people by leading them to make bad decisions as shown by Daisy, Tom and Gatsby. In the novel wealth is a big theme, everything that happens is a result of money. These bad choices are made throughout the novel bringing them to a big conflict between the characters, leading to the rise and fall of Gatsby. Throughout the Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald is ultimately trying to demonstrate the effects of money by showing us what money can and cannot buy.

To begin, The Great Gatsby is a novel that it’s all about wealth, and how money affects the characters in the story. Daisy is one of the characters that is affected by money throughout the novel. In chapter 1 when Nick visits Tom and Daisy, Daisy is lying on the couch drunk. This tells us that she is affected by money because alcohol was illegal at that time and her having access to it tells us that she gets to have what others can not have. Daisy is a careless character that doesn’t care of her daughter. As shown in chapter 7 when Pammy, Daisy 's daughter enters the room, “The child, relinquished by the nurse, rushed across the room and rooted shyly into her mother’s dress”(chapter 7, page 124). “I got dressed before luncheon,’ said the child, turning eagerly to Daisy. ‘That’s because your mother wanted to show you off”(chapter 7, page 124). This shows how Daisy is careless of her daughter and how she pays a nurse to take care of her instead of her taking care of her daughter. With money she doesn’t have to worried
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Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is all about wealth, and how money changes the characters, leading them to make bad choices as shown as Daisy, Tom and Gatsby, which later on lead to the fall of Gatsby. Money lead the characters to make bad choices that affected everyone in a

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