Effects Of Concussions

Superior Essays
The Short and Long term Effects

Over 2.7 million people have suffered from concussions just this year. From sports related collisions to whiplash shaking the brain during a car accident, concussions can occur in virtually any situation. The injury initially can affect the brain in different ways due to the fact that the brain is very complex; every brain injury is different and heals in a different way for each victim. Some symptoms of the injury may appear right away, while others may not show up for days or weeks after the concussion and some lasting permanently. Concussions need to be observed more in depth and more precautions need to be put in place to insure the best recovery for a victim including taking them out of riskful
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The brain is a three pound organ that basically floats inside the skull.In the skull, the brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, which absorbs shock during impact. A concussion occurs when the brain moves too rapidly for the absorption to occur and is shifted inside the skull. A concussion can occur in many situations like contact sports, a fall, a car accident, violent encounter or anything involving head trauma either indirectly or directly. In some cases,a blood clot in the brain can occur occasionally and be fatal. During the injury, A person may or may not experience a brief loss of consciousness and may go into a state of confusion and be unable to remember events that occur after the injury and before …show more content…
Research suggests that if someone has already received one concussion, they are 1-2 times more likely to receive a second one. If they've had two concussions, than a third is 2-4 times more likely, and if they've had three concussions, then they are 3-9 times more likely to receive their fourth concussion. Long term effects of multiple concussions are being studied by researchers around the world to help increase knowledge on the injury. Not only can multiple traumatic incidents contribute to mild cognitive impairments, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and other outcomes, but a substantial concussion history can also cause post concussion syndrome. A study from the New York University Langone School of Medicine found that patients who had suffered from a concussion, had significant damage in certain portions of their brains a year after their injury. “We’ve known that in moderate and severe degrees of brain injury, you can have a long-standing structural effect on the brain.” (Dr. Yvonne) Outcomes like post concussion syndrome will likely linger for days, weeks, months or even years. This condition occurs when the symptoms of concussions, like severe headaches, nausea and dizziness remain a constant in the victim's everyday life. As concussion victims age, there is a noticeable decay in their health and overall well being. As their lives go on, the

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