Honors Chemistry Period 5 Group: 22
Topic: Dissolving Alka-Seltzer in Different Liquids
Due Date: September 30, 2016
(2) Background Research
The topic of this experiment is investigating and researching whether different properties in different types of liquids affect the amount of time it takes for an Alka-Seltzer to dissolve. The independent variable would be the amount of liquid being used to dissolve the Alka-Seltzer pill. The dependent variable would be the amount of time it takes to dissolve the Alka-Seltzer pill. The constant of this experiment would be the Alka-Seltzer pill. Alka-Seltzer is used to help with stomach pains and people with bad gas.
The scientist’s predicts that if the Alka-Seltzer pill is placed in …show more content…
Alka-Seltzer can be used for migraines, sinus headaches, symptoms of colds and fevers, menstrual cycle pains and muscular pains in the body. When Alka-Seltzer is placed in liquid, it breaks down into smaller parts and becomes one with the solution. This is called a decomposition reaction. Once the Alka-Seltzer pill has completely dissolved, the solution becomes a homogeneous mixture. A homogeneous mixture is used to describe a mixture with a composition that remains consistent and has a single phase throughout the mixture. A homogeneous mixture is made up of only one …show more content…
Alka Seltzer directions of use, sodium & aspirin content - Alka Seltzer relief from headaches, migraine & upset stomach. Retrieved October 2, 2016, from alkaseltzer.ie, http://www.alkaseltzer.ie/en/about-alka-seltzer/
2. Martin, L. (2016, September 28). Electrolytes. Retrieved October 2, 2016, from medlineplus.gov, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002350.htm
3. LibreTexts, C. (2013, October 2). Solubility rules. Retrieved October 2, 2016, from LibreTexts, http://chem.libretexts.org/Core/Physical_and_Theoretical_Chemistry/Equilibria/Solubilty/Solubility_Rules
4. Ophardt, C. (2003). Mixture. Retrieved October 2, 2016, from Virtual Chembook, http://chemistry.elmhurst.edu/vchembook/106Amixture.html
5. Kuan, E. (2012). A STUDY OF DISSOLVING ALKA-SELTZER IN DIFFERENT LIQUIDS. Retrieved October 2, 2016,
6. Zumdahl, S., & Zumdahl, S. (2007). Chemistry (7th edition ed.). Boston, Ma: Houghton Mifflin Company.
7. Ramesh, R., & Meenakshisundram, S. P. (2005). CHEMISTRY HIGHER SECONDARY - FIRST YEAR(First Edition ed.). Tamilnadu: Tamilnadu Textbook