Driscoll Model Of Reflection

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I have been asked to create a reflective account on an incident within my HNC work placement where I have had to overcome communication barriers with a patient. My reflection will be structured using Driscoll’s cycle, known as Driscoll (1994) Model of reflection. According to Driscolls cycle there are three processes in which should be used when reflecting on an incident or in general practice. These are what (returning to the situation), so what (understanding the context) and now what (modifying future outcomes). (Driscoll J. (2007)). Using this model, I will be able to explain the incident I had to overcome and reflect on what could have been done differently and also the positives gained from this incident.

In order to maintain confidentiality
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Driscoll’s next part of his reflection cycle. My feeling at the time of the incident was that I felt taken a back at the patient striking out towards the nursing assistant as I felt he may try and strike out at me. This made me nervous as I was unsure if anything I was about to say would cause the same reaction towards me as they made not be the right things to say. I sat beside Mr X and by showing compassion and empathy I took the time to verbalise and hold Mr X’s hand. By doing so I carefully explained that no one was trying to harm him and repeated what the nurse had said as I believed he may not have heard her properly and so this is what may have caused him to become confused and distressed. The effects of taking my time with Mr X I believe gave an opportunity to building a therapeutic relationship between myself and the patient. This is key to developing mutual trust and respect. Therapeutic relationships can be built by using good communication skills which also promotes person centred care, communication which could include verbal and non-verbal on a one to one basis which may have been more beneficial for Mr X to fully understand what was about to happen to overcome the communication barrier which may have been caused by his dementia condition or simply that he didn’t hear properly. (Clinical barriers. Person-centred care. (2011)). By promoting person centred care this allows Mr X to be involved in making choices about his care needs, this is when …show more content…
The best way which I believe of getting further information about the situation should it arise again would be to gain advice from other nursing staff in the ward of things that have previously worked well for them when trying to give care to Mr X. This could also be done by gaining consent to read care notes in Mr X’s care plan to ensure I am acting lawfully acting on his behalf. (Regulation 11: Need for consent). I could also spend time before nursing staff enter Mr X’s room and explain that in a short time myself and the nursing assistant would like to take him for a shower and await his consent. I should also give the individual sufficient time to communicate without interrupting or finishing off the individual’s communication this would show that I am supporting his needs, it would also confirm that he understands and is happy with what is about to happen. Having a conversation which may have meaning with Mr X during the task would perhaps distract him from the task being carried out. This may allow Mr X to feel more involved, valued and comfortable with his needs being

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