Don T Blame The Eater Analysis

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What once used to be a delicious treat, is now the leading problem for obesity. Studies have shown that fast-food increases the risk of becoming overweight. For example, Shannon Brownlee’s article in The Sacramento Bee, “It’s Portion Distortion That Makes America Fat,” argues that the restaurant industry and food packagers have helped give many Americans the “roly-poly” shape they have today. Fast-food purveyors supersize their food which brings profit to their industry, while the patrons are left to become unhealthy and obese. Additionally, David Zinczenko in his article in the New York Times, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” blames the fast-food industry for their obscure nutritional information. The fast-food industry is a cause for the national …show more content…
Furthermore, these unhealthy products provide no information on we are consuming. David Zinczenko, in his opinionated piece for the New York Times, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” acknowledges personal responsibility is a cause for the obesity epidemic, and that the victims should seek for healthier alternatives; however, he believes, “Shouldn't we know better than to eat two meals a day in fast-food restaurants? That's one argument. But where, exactly, are consumers -- particularly teenagers -- supposed to find alternatives?” Naturally, it is easier to purchase cheaper, faster food, especially when the consumer is surrounded by “one of our country’s more than 13,000 McDonald’s restaurants” (Zinczenko). The fast food industry is an immense detriment to society as it fails to mention the health hazards of their food, causing “more sick, obese children and more angry, litigious parents” …show more content…
According to Shannon Brownlee, in her article for The Sacramento Bee, “It’s Portion Distortion that Makes America Fat,” she believes that distorting the portion sizes is a result of consumer manipulation. Brownlee states, “The deal with all these enhanced portions is that the customer gets a lot more food for a relatively small increase in price... The fast-food joint makes an extra 15 cents pure profit, and the customer thinks he’s getting a good deal. And he would be, if he actually needed the extra food, which he doesn’t because the nation is awash in excess calories.” Moreover, as the fast-food industry does well economically, their patrons gain weight. Additionally, “super-sizing has pervaded every segment of the food industry”

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