There are several possible types of terrorist attacks using Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), using conventional firearms and explosives, or ”other means of attack (including low-tech devices and delivery, attacks on infrastructure, and cyber terrorism)”, (FEMA, 2002, P. 9). Each type of attack or a combination of several will need its own action plan by emergency managers and emergency responders, making the identification of the type of attack and weapon used critical. If an attack occurs, one tool available to a jurisdiction is the Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA), which summarizes the “threats and hazards of concern showing how they may affect the community” (DHS, 2013, P.1). The THIRA will outline the possible risks that would be facing emergency responders after a specific disaster and what they might face (FEMA, 2002). For example, the guide describes the threat of radiation after a nuclear/radiological attack, or the threat of contamination after a chemical or biological attack.…