The play Doll’s House is not childish as it sounds; it reflects the reality of what oppression against women looked like in past. Nora, the play’s protagonist, struggles with situation where she unknowingly broke the law in order to aid her husband in ill by asking for money from other man; she tries to escape from her guilt by ensuring that Krogstad keeps his position in her husband’s bank, then tried to keep husband from reading the letter of their transaction, and ultimately she considered of suicide. However, the ending of play was surprisingly different than expected, and Nora had finally escaped from her “guilt” and lived a life where some people don’t know.
Firstly, she tried to escape her guilt by ensuring …show more content…
Nora knew that she had to buy some time for her friend to compromise so she distracted Torvald with upcoming events but her feeling of guilt worsen each hours passed. Nora found out that she had a secret admirer with feeling of love toward to her but that person was going to pass away soon and he asked Nora if he could do anything for her. She hesitated to tell Dr. Rank that she needed the help so badly and didn’t say anything but he noticed that and decided to help Nora by watching for her hints of need for assistance in stalling Torvald which would make her feel more guilty because she wasn’t able to repay back to him. “Yes please take the piano, that will help me to control her,” Torvald said to Dr. Rank. While Nora was stalling Torvald by distracting him, she was too “out of control” to the husband, and that told us about the oppression of women in past. Torvald’s respond to Dr. Rank contains strong tone of which he sees Nora as just doll meant to be controlled by its master and not have its own personality. In meanwhile, Nora’s friend was able to compromise with Krogstad and he sent another letter to recall his previous document but it would arrive little …show more content…
When Dr. Rank (her secret admirer) came to house so late in tonight, he hinted to her that he is going to die tonight however he predicted the day of a party where she could come in dressed like she who was all along. Just before he left the house, Nora hinted to him that she was thinking of suicide but he didn’t realize at that time. Just as Torvald found the letter, Nora was trying to leave the house but got caught. After Torvald’s furious shouting, he became depressed but that is when the Krogstad’s second letter arrived., Torvald became happy and forgave Nora; but however, she didn’t forgive him. “Look where we are right now, we are sitting down in table, having serious talk for first time in our relationship.” Nora told this to Torvald. That fact contains strong aphorism of where Nora decided to take the control of her life back and made Torvald to sit down. Those words confirmed about Nora’s relationship with Torvald was empty and fake so Nora began to escape from her fake guilt. After the serious conversation, Torvald was stunned, and Nora left the house to live her own