Treated as a trinket instead of a person, Nora grasps at any opportunity of possessing …show more content…
Nora, seeing no other options, plans on committing suicide. Taking her own life exists as the ultimate way of achieving dominance for Nora. However, once confronted about the occurrence by Torvald, Nora finds another way of achieving dominance. Leaving Torvald and her children behind, she begins her search for independence and self-dominance. Providing Torvald with the explanation of “I must try and educate myself ... I must do that for myself. And that is why I am going to leave you now. I must stand quite alone, if I am to understand myself and everything about me. It is for that reason that I cannot remain with you any longer” (188) she leaves and begins her journey of self discovery.
Expectence of remaining submissive to men drives Nora’s zeal for independence and dominance. Nora encounters many struggles in her strive for control. However, she finally achieves the capability of discovering herself, even though that means abandoning her