Difference Between Utilitarianism And Pragmatism

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Utilitarianism V. Pragmatism
Over many centuries, ethics helped build the foundation of the laws we abide by today. Ethics are moral principles that control a person’s behavior/actions. Ethics is also known as moral philosophy, which is a branch of philosophy that rises up questions about morality. For instances, questions like is it good or bad, right or wrong, justice or crime. There are many types of ethics, one well-known type of ethic is normative ethics. Normative ethics is a type of ethics that looks in to arising questions and tells you how to act during the situation. Normative ethics, like Utilitarianism, help make decisions that have the highest favorable impact by weighing the positives and negatives. In addition, normative ethics,
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It usually maximizes the total benefits and reduces the negatives for the greatest number of people. Two major contributors of Utilitarianism were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. Jeremy Bentham believed that mankind was under two masters: pain and pleasure. As well, through the hedonistic perspective, Bentham said the greater good we should look for is happiness. The actions that increase happiness and diminish pain create utility. The quantity of happiness is determined by evaluating the consequence through 7 factors: Intensity, duration, certainty or uncertainty, propinquity or remoteness, fecundity, purity, and …show more content…
Both are used to make decisions and help solve problems. They tell you how to act when there are arising problems/questions. Utilitarianism is different compared to Pragmatism because the goal of utilitarianism is to find the greatest amount of happiness while pragmatism uses knowledge and experience to make intelligent decisions. In my opinion in today society utilitarianism is used more. This is because its more rational and the goal in most business world is to have the most greatest amount of people happy. In addition, making decisions are faster and shows all the possible consequences. The reason why pragmatism is not used all the time is because decisions are slower and every situation are different so more research is required. So in todays society utilitarianism is more persuasive and commonly

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