Demographic Questions

Decent Essays
Demographic Questions

Age: 18-21, 22-25, 26-29
Party Affiliation:
Republican, Democrat, Independent/Non-affiliated, Other How strong is your party attraction (sliding scale)
Gender: M, F, Other
Region: Southwest, Northwest, Midwest, South, Southeast, Northeast
Are you registered to vote? Y N
How likely are you to vote in the next election? Will vote Most likely will vote Most likely will not vote Will not vote

Survey Questions

RQ: Do young voters feel that political candidates make a concentrated effort to meet their needs?
RQ: What do young voters believe are the most important issues facing the United States?

1. Name three political issues that matter most to you? (Text Entry)

2. Which party do you trust more to adequately address
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3. Rank each of the following slogans: (Rank Order)

"Make America great again" (Trump)
"What Leadership Is" (Fiorina)
"Heal, Inspire, Revive" (Carson)
"A new American century" (Rubio)
"Defeat the Washington Machine. Unleash the American Dream" (Paul)
"From Hope to Higher Ground" (Huckabee)
"Right to Rise" (Bush)
"Reigniting the Promise of America" (Cruz)
“For Us” (Kasich)

4. Which part of the following statement most appeals to you? (Heat Map)

We must begin anew, with profound changes in the way government operates; the way it budgets, taxes, and regulates. Jefferson’s vision of a “wise and frugal government” must be restored. (From Republican Party Platform)

5. Please choose your favorite logo, then select what part of the logo resonates most with you. (Multiple Choice, heat map)

6. How important is political experience in a presidential candidate?

Very Important, Somewhat Important, Not Important

RQ: How often do young people react to ads and other calls to action?

7. How “politically active” would you say that you are?

Not active somewhat active very active

8. Have you done any of the following (Multiple Choice, Check as many as

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