Theme Of Dehumanization In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? ( Malachi 2:10 ) So what gives Hitler or any dictator the right to take one’s life? As a young boy, Elie Wiesel, narrator and author of the novel Night, witnessed what it felt like to be not in control of his life. The novel To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee illustrates many scenarios where articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were violated. These articles dispute the amount of dehumanization shown in both Night and To Kill a Mockingbird. Humans were taken from their homes, beaten, disliked because of their ethnicity, and not trustworthy because of the color of their skin. In both novels, it was humans against humans. “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” …show more content…
As a human being, we act certain ways and do certain things for a reason. The people of Maycomb County had no reason to treat Tom the way they did. The Nazi’s had no genuine reason for treating Jewish people the way they did; everything that happened was out of hatred and jealousy. Elie Wiesel struggled to stay alive just to watch his father die slowly over the years. Alienation is not just a word used to describe isolation, but also a weapon that destroys someone’s life. Tom Robinson was a man with children who lost his life. "The doors were nailed up; the way back was finally cut off. The world was a cattle wagon hermetically sealed." (Wiesel, 24) Alienation and dehumanization leads to depression. Boo Radley hardly ever saw the light of day and did not know how to act around people when he did; he was an outsider. He was dehumanized and looked at as the weird kid who never came out the house, but no one understands the reason behind him being locked

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