After Scout beat up one of her classmates she had to invite him to lunch at her house. Scout was throwing a fit about it until the maid Calpurnia tells her “Don’t matter who they are, anybody who sets foot in this house is your company” (33). Cal is telling Scout that it does not matter, race, class, or ethnicity who ever enters the house is company. Cal is also teaching Scout that it applies even outside of the house. This is a huge lesson to Scout and is probably one of the reasons Scout did not start a prejudice. Later on in the book Cal takes Scout and Jem to her church. Cal is an african american woman so she goes to a church that has no white people in it. When Cal is taking the kids into her church, a church member told her “We got our church they got their own” (158). The member does not understand why Cal would bring them to her church, and the member does not want them there. Cal rebuttals by telling her “It’s the same God now ain’t it?” (158). Cal knows that race does not matter since they both believe in the same god, she knows that she is supposed to love and care for her neighbors and that all people were created equally. The town is not equal but Cal is trying to show the kids that they should treat everyone with …show more content…
The town lacked empathy, so it lacked justice, since it lacked justice most people had a bias leaving the town without the belief in equality. The citizens had biases they refused to let go of even when innocent lives were on the line. They never thought about how others felt, they never thought about how they treated each other. The biases were a detriment to everyone in the town 's morals and thoughts. Harper Lee showed through this book that true morals can make society stand tall, like an oak tree in a storm. While fake morals make society shrivel up and blow away, like a single twig in a