Racial Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The main idea of this story is racial injustice to the South. As the first paragraph starts of her ancestors come to America was a fur trader and apothecary named Simon Finch, and he established a successful farm. It was on the Alabama river the farm was called Finch’s Landing, It supported the family for many years. Scout’s father, Atticus Finch, who was a lawyer in his nea by town Maycomb, his brother Jack Finch who went to medical school in Boston, and their sister Alexandra stayed to run the landing. There was nothing in maycomb it was a struggle. In chapters 2-3 September arrives and Dill leaves Maycomb. Scout, meanwhile prepare to go to school for the first time she finds out her teacher Miss Caroline and her don’t get along together. At lunch they acted bad because she means well but received punishment. Scout tries to get Walter in trouble but she always mean well, her mistakes are by the evil around her. Maycomb was a run-down town caught up in the Great Depression. Then in chapters 4-6 as the rest of the school years passed grimly for Scout, endurs a curriculum and leaves her frustrated. Summer comes at last and school ends and Dill moves back to Maycomb. Later on Jim and Dill grew closer, Scout feels left out of their friendship. She then started talking to one of her neighbors, Miss Maudie …show more content…
. . but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” These lines from Chapter 10 are the source of the novel’s title and introduce one of the key metaphors of the book: the idea of “mockingbirds” as good, innocent people who are destroyed by evil. Boo Radley, for instance, is like a mockingbird—just as mockingbirds do not harm people but only “sing their hearts out for us,” Boo does not harm anyone; instead, he leaves Jem and Scout presents, covers Scout with a blanket during the fire, and eventually saves the children from Bob Ewell later in the

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