Death Of A Salesman Willy's Suicide Quotes

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Willy Loman is not an innocent victim of the society in which he lives. His flaws in his character make him responsible for his own misfortune. Willy says“I've got to get some seeds. I've got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing's planted. I don't have a thing in the ground”(Act 122). Willy realizes that his entire career has developed into nothing. He is an aging salesman that worked for forty years who suffers from depression and anxiety and experiences having difficulty remembering events which later on leads him to be suicidal. Because Willy Loman takes his life at the end of the play,one can see that he contributed to his miserable life through his bad temper, his unfaithfulness, and his pridefulness. One of the major reasons for Willy’s suicide is his bad temper. In Act I, Charley complains about a heartburn to Willy. In response Willy says, “No, you’re ignorant. You gotta know about vitamins and things like that”(A1.pg42). Here it shows Willy has a bad temper towards Charley, because Willy believes Charley has no knowledge on taking the right vitamins and it is important for him to learn. In Act 2, Willy goes to visit Howard to ask him to give him a New York job.Willy believes that he deserves a job in New York because of his history with

Howard’s father and his success in
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Willy often gets angry at people when they remind him of his mistakes or flaws. For example, at the end of the play, when Biff, Willy’s older son, gets upset at his father for giving another woman a his mother’s stockings and committing adultery with her. Willy really becomes enraged when Biff storms off. He says “ I gave you an order!Biff,come back here or I’ll beat you!Come back here! I’ll whip you!”(Act 2,pg 121). This is because Willy is annoyed at Biff for exposing his disloyalty. Willy knows that he has bad character but he doesn’t like it when he is

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