DBQ Valley Forge Essay Valley forge would you have quit? yes if I were a soldier at valley forge I would have quit and there are many reasons why, first off “there were no beds, just straw on the mud floor” (Background essay) and also there were soldiers getting ill and dying and also freezing. “They had nasty clothes and nasty cookery” (Document C) . When they arrived at valley forge it was winter so they were dying of hypothermia. “You could see a soldier's bare feet through his worn out shoes” (Document C).…
Valley Forge Would you stay at valley Forge, Why or why not. I would not stay because it was cold. One piece of evidence is from Estimate of illness(Doc. A).One piece of evidence is about how many soldiers died. There was about 2,898 dead in just December 23,1777.…
The Death at Valley Forge. Valley forge is a place that they might call hell because many people have died of illness and lice and even hunger the weather is horrible and solder do not have a lot of winter supplies. As you can see the conditions at valley forge are horrible 50% of the soldiers were sick, there were thousands of Continental Soldiers died in a place they hell the estimate of people that die where 1,800 up to 2,500 as it states in (Document A).…
Valley Forge, settled by George Washington and his army, was basically a prison for many of his soldiers. If I was a soldier there, I would undoubtedly quit Valley Forge in a heartbeat. Researchers estimated that there were a lot of illnesses and deaths at Valley Forge. (Doc A) The amount of deaths was 1800-2500 from illnesses.…
Many soldiers quickly quit due to conditions at Valley Forge. Given these conditions, would I have reenlisted in the Continental Army? I would have quit the army and likely never reenlist due to terrible weather conditions and being minimally aided…
Parts of America, including Philadelphia, were divided during the war. Some women developed “scarlet fever”; the obsession with the British. A soldier would not have quit Valley Forge because he would want to support other soldiers, give motivation, and reassure them that resources were coming. One reason why a soldier would not have quit is because a soldier would want to support the other soldiers. In document A, it talks about death and sickness tolls.…
According to the chart on Document A, it shows the statistics of the soldiers who got ill and who got deceased. On December 1777 there where a total of 12,000 soldiers at Valley Forge. By February 1, 1778, there were 8000 soldiers. The Illness Estimates During Encampment state that December 23, 1777, 2,898 soldiers ill and by February 1, 1778, there where 3989 soldiers ill. For the most part, this could be used as a wake-up call to gather the attention of other people.…
Settling in Charles Town If an explorer found open land without hostile native tribes then he would be as happy as a clam at high tide! Back then many countries wanted to claim and create settlements in new land. Settlers wanted to settle in Charles Town but it was very difficult, many died, but after a lot of hard work Charles Town was settled. Charles Town was difficult to settle because of three things geography, resources, and disease.…
Yes there are other threats, but illness was one of the largest cause of death back then. George Washington and his soldiers are fatigue and weak. It says in Document C, “Yet they still show a spirit of Alacrity (cheerful willingness) and Contentment not to be expected from so young Troops. I am sick-disconnected-and out of humor.” The soldiers at Valley Forge wanted to move on and fight, but they weren't strong enough.…
Why was it hard to move to Charles Town? Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon led approximately 600 settlers in an attempt to establish a settlement in the area Gordillo explored earlier. Unfavorable weather, sickness, low food supplies, and hostility from the natives hampered the settlement from the beginning. Near present day Beaufort along Port Royal Sound, a failed settlement attempt by the French took place in 1562 when Jean Ribault led a group of French Huguenots in search of religious freedom. The Spanish tried several more times to establish a permanent settlement but no avail.…
Firstly, in document A it stated there is “3,989 people sick out of the 8,000” who were there. Therefore, there is about 50% of soldiers sick and in the Winter it is common to be sick especially in those conditions. Secondly there were only “1,800 out of the 12,000 men died at Valley Forge”(doc A). What this is saying is that there is only a 15% chance of dying and a 85% chance of living which that is pretty good odds. Also in the background essay, it says today we know that most of the army survived the winter.…
Valley Forge-1777 In December 1777 through June 1778, Washington and his Continental Army made a winter camp at Valley Forge, which was a difficult place to live in because of the winter. Would you have stayed in Washington's army? I would stay with Washington's army because there is a lot of soldiers sick, but not a lot of them are dying, the soldiers were missing shoes and there clothes are all ripped up, but Washington is getting help, and I am not going to be a summer soldier because freedom is worth fighting for. I would not quit Washington's army because, there are a lot of sick people, but not a lot of soldiers are dying, the conditions are bad, but everyone is showing a spirit of alacrity and I'm not going to be a summer soldier because freedom is worth fighting for.…
Your time in Valley Forge is over. Do you stay and be loyal to your brothers or do you leave and never look back. You must make my choice very soon, you could leave and the pain of seeing my brothers die will be over, or you could stay and fight for your freedom such as many men have already done. The decision is to stay. There is many reason but the main choices for staying is many men have gotten sick, you are a faithful servant to your country and you want what you came to the new world for which is freedom.…
Starting in the late 18th century, imperialism and colonization were running rampant all over the globe. European colonizers continuously used ideas like “the white man's burden” to justify their rapid expansion into other foreign territories. The craving to conquer new lands was so pungent that we even saw the “Scramble for Africa” where many European countries raced to conquer as much or whatever parts of Africa they could with no regard for the people living there or their already existing culture and practices. Colonizers completely uprooted the indigenous peoples' way of life through forced compliance which created very high tensions and resentment from the native people. Native people were met with constant dehumanization and unethical…
The troops being at Valley Forge between the British and York were a protection for Congress The Valley Forge area was reasonable. The grounds were good to guard against attack. While the conditions were harsh, Washington tried to provide for the comfort of his men. The lack of supplies, clothing and food meant winter was not good.…