Museums were built on the basis of preserving artifacts that have been of some importance in history, whether being a transitional phase in culture or tragic events .The overall purpose is to inform the public and keep the future generations aware, not amuse momentarily with “assembly of biological oddities” (Source B). After the devastation of 9/11, the Twin Towers serve as a reminder to the loss of innocent civilians as well as the tremendous strength of the Nation to still stand tall. Such remarks in history are preserved with intentions, where as “a two headed pig” and “a five-legged cow with no tail” serve no intuition and have absolutely nothing to offer in progression of a …show more content…
Sales activities is a primary example of this. If the purpose of gift stores are to make profit, then the museum is operating a gift store rather than a museum store (Source D). Gift stores in museums are never cheap. There have been many cases where I have found the exact same product I bought in the museum store for a quarter of its price in a local store. A museums goal is not only to educate but make profit. The only profit a museum should be looking to make is educating. Having said this, being ripped-off at gift stores of museums —rather than museum stores — contrast with the museums priority to