The following people SEVEN people are no longer employed by me, due to their work not being acceptable or their personal views do not correlate with my own. I do not recommend any of the SEVEN persons listed. Please feel free to contact me if free to contact me.
Davis vs. Ross
Gail Davis and Diana Ross held a business relationship, were Davis was an employee of Ross. During Davis time as an employee for Ross, Davis serves as Ross’ Executive Assistant. Davis was not Ross only employee and the exact number of employees is uncertain at this …show more content…
The document’s date suggest that the letter was written and distributed on October 11, 1983, nearly one year after Davis voluntarily resigned as Ross’ Executive Assistant. The documented written and distributed by Ross, voluntarily list seven previous employees of the Plaintiff. Ross states that she does not in any way recommend the seven individuals listed, including Davis. According to Ross, the individuals listed did not perform work that was acceptable to to her, as well as her and the individuals did not agree on a personal level. Ross bluntly states that “I do not recommend” when referring to her perception of the seven individuals listed including Davis. The job title, number of service years with Ross, whether the individuals left voluntarily or involuntarily and other factual information is not provided for the other six persons, only Davis. The letter written by Ross only includes her personal opinion of the individuals she listed in the document. Her letter also implies that she would have maintain a business relationship with an exceptional employee, anyone who departed were allowed to do so because Ross was not pleases with the previous employee’s overall performance or personal habits. Ross does not provide a reason, as to why she voluntarily writes and distributes a letter denying a ‘highly qualified’ or even a ‘satisfactory’