Robert E Lee was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865. In June 1861, Lee took command of the Army of Northern Virginia, which he lead for the rest of the war. Colonel Lee resigned from the United States army two days after he was offered command of the Union army and three days after his native state Virginia, seceded from the Union. Lee opposed secession although he was a loyal son of Virginia. His official resignation was only one sentence, He wrote a longer explanation to his friend and mentor, General Winfield Scott later that day.…
Zebulon Pike was born on January 5,1779 to Isabella Brown and Zebulon Pike Senior in the little town of Lamberton which is now a part of Trenton, New Jersey. He never had a formal education but he loved to read. He joined the army at the age of 15 following in his father’s footsteps and was promoted to cadet at the age of 20. He had his first mission at the age of 26.…
Daniel Berriga Daniel Berrigan was born in Minnesota, in the town of Virginia. He was the son of Frieda Berrigan, who was of prominent German decent. Thomas Berrigan was Daniel Berrigan's father. He was an Irish Catholic.…
Siege of Boonesborough - September 7-17 1778 In 1775 Daniel Boone blazed his way into central Kentucky. He built a fort near the Kentucky River and christened it, Fort Boone. Soon American settlers began to move westward,they started settling at Fort Boone.…
Patrick Henry Patrick Henry was born in Hanover County, Virginia in 1736, to John and Sarah Winston Henry. A symbol of America's struggle for liberty and self-government, Patrick Henry was a lawyer, patriot, orator, and willing participant in virtually every aspect of the founding of America. Henry married Sarah Shelton in 1754, and after Sarah’s death, wed Dorothea Dandridge in 1777. With his two wives, he fathered seventeen children. John Henry, who had attended King's College, University of Aberdeen, educated young Patrick at home, including teaching him to read Latin, but Patrick studied law on his own.…
Brampton- Today's generation is why this why that, when someone tells you to do something you say "why" when someone tells you this is important you also say “why” well today I'm going to prove to you “why” The Battle Of The Plains Of Abraham is important to you, me and the Canadian history itself. One day the french captured Fort William Henry by laying siege on the British, the British were allowed to go back to their territory because it was an old European tradition the first nations and the Acadians felt why to let someone live if you have beaten them so the first nations and Acadians slaughtered the British. The British vowed revenge.…
The son of a Huguenot silversmith . Paul at nineteen assumed artistic responsibility for the family’s shop. Born in January 1, 1735 he took part in the Boston tea party and was the principal rider for Boston’s committee of safety. He devised a system of lanterns for the minutemen to learn if the British would be attacking them.…
David ’Davy’ Crockett is one of the most historical figures in texas history. Mr.Crockett was a great man with a lot of accomplishments. Davy was an outdoorsman,a congressman,and the last defender of the alamo. Davy Crockett was born on August 17,1786 in Greene County, Tennessee. His parents names were John and Rebecca Crockett.…
Logan Burkhamer Dr. Shadden Cobb/ Mrs.Stout ELA/SS 8 May 2017 Horace Greeley Was Horace a big part in the radical republicans. Horace Greeley was born on February 3, 1811 in Amherst N.H. He died in the U.S on November 29, 1872 in New York.…
America has had many problems since the start of the country, with all of these the country has stood strong. The causes and effects of the Whiskey Rebellion was a long lasting effect on America. The thing that caused the whiskey rebellion was, a tax protest that then later became know as the Whiskey Tax. Because of this people started to revolt due to the “tax on whiskey”. The tax on whiskey was basically a fundraiser to get the money back from the revolutionary war.…
1 / 4 Jim Jones: Cult Maniac 909 people's corpses lie lifeless in a religious colony known as Jonestown. They lie lifeless from the cyanide tainted kool aid ingested through their bodies (Donnely 271). The man at fault for this is a crazed, religious leader by the name of Jim Jones. He was responsible for the cult-like community of Jonestown that was riddled with abuse and secrets that changed the lives of the many who died there. Jim Jones, who was an American religious cult leader, was responsible for the deaths of nearly a thousand from mass suicide in his religious colony,…
This research paper about Maynard Jackson. And how he join the movement with Martin Luther King Jr. He is my favorite one. And He was born on March 23 , 1938 in dallas texas.…
Daniel Boone was an American pioneer, explorer, and frontiersman. He is most famous for his exploration and settlement of what is now Kentucky, but at the time was part of Virginia. As a young adult Daniel Boone made up for hi farm income by hunting and trapping animals for their pelts, which he would then sell in the fur market. Through occupational interest, Daniel Boone first discovered easy routes through the area. In 1775, Boone blazed his Wilderness Road that led through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachian Mountains from North Carolina and Tennessee to Kentucky despite some resistance from local tribes.…
Shays’ Rebellion is a very controversial topic to discuss. There are many event that lead up to this famous rebellion. Daniel Shay led many farmers to rebel against tax collectors. The American Revolution made conflict begin among many. After fighting, Daniel Shay came home and then led this famous rebellion.…
Daniel Burnham is an architect and a city planner who had done pretty well work for many major cities in the U.S. He built many famous buildings around the world. He built several buildings that are the first modern skyscrapers in the country at that time. In his opinion, he said that we always can make an ugly place become a beautiful and nice by our works. Burnham was the Director for the World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. He was sailing to Europe through the summer with his wife, Margaret.…