“Cystic Fibrosis known as an orphan disease is a hereditary disease passed down through families that affects the exocrine glands. Causing thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of the body. It is also known as a respiratory infection and one of the most common chronic lung disease in children and young adults (About CF). This disease is very life-threatening.” Many people all over the world are diagnosed with CF. About 1 in 29 Americans have the CF gene and about 30,000 children and adults in the United States have Cystic Fibrosis. The lifespan of Cystic Fibrosis patients lives have known to be cut short, In the 1950’s very few CF patients lived to attend elementary school. Over the past year tremendous amount of research, understanding and treatments of this disease has lead to an intense improvement of expanding the lives of these patients. Today, the average lifespan for people diagnosed with CF is approximately 37 years of age (About CF). Patients are diagnosed at birth by a newborn screening however, 75 percent are diagnosed at the age of 2. It is usually diagnosed by a sweat tests and genetics test. A sweat test is a test that measures the amount of salt in a person's sweat. This test is done by a …show more content…
The task of raising a child with a chronic medical condition and to help lead them to the most normal life they can possibly seek, can seem almost impossible. Some parents may encounter feelings and emotions such as anxiety and guilt. Siblings as well suffer from the effects of their older or younger brother or sister having CF can make them feel neglected or left out due to the special care their sibling that is diagnosed has to