Human Trafficking: A Summary

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A Review of Current Policing Practices in Relation to Human Trafficking.
There are many policing practices and regulations in place regarding human trafficking. These are in place for the safety of those who have been a victim to this. Human trafficking is when a person or persons are trafficked between countries illegally. The National Crime Agency states that human trafficking ‘is the movement of a person(s) from one place to another into conditions of exploitation, using deception, coercion, the abuse of power or the abuse of someone’s vulnerability.’ (National Crime Agency, 2014) Not only does trafficking mean international crossing over the border, but a victim could also be trafficked within their own country
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The traffickers and those who help, become involved in a functional integration of distributed economic actions which will have consequences. Human trafficking is investigated highly by the traditional police such as those in the country especially the 43 police constabularies in England and Wales, the National Crime Agency and the border force investigators. There are many supports for the victims of human trafficking one being the UKHTC which is the UK Human Trafficking Centre, it is a part of the organised crime command in the National Crime Agency. It works in accordance with the UK and internationally working to fight against human trafficking, by protecting the public, target and hopefully catch the traffickers and finally reduce the harm caused. The harm being the victims going into rehabilitation to try and get their lives back on track, possibly to start working through trust issues some may have with people and also the harm of being exploited – taken for granted to do something, the victims probably did not want to do. Going back to the border force involvement in human trafficking, normally have contribution to the first victim contact, if involving migration issues, there …show more content…
Sexual exploitation and labour exploitation are still the most popular forms of exploitation in all ages and genders. However the limitations to most of these graphs and statistics is that not all victims are able to get help after or during their time of being trafficked and traffickers may not always be reported and then convicted. Another limitation to finding research about human trafficking, is when interviewing victims “… heave reliance on victims of trafficking as the primary (and sometimes even sole) source information is in need of adjustment.” (IOM 2014:63). The information that they will and will not share, are they trying to cover the trafficker’s tracks as they are scared of what will happen to them or are they telling the full truth about the activities of what really goes

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