The primary difference I noticed between is me and Jane is our college and career plans. Jane initially intended on being a community health major. Her mother, whom was a nurse, and her interest in the human body influenced her initially career path. After taking certain classes, she was no longer sure on her area of studies. She disclosed to me of her consideration of environmental science as a possible career field. As of right now, Jane has no concrete plans for the future. I entered George Mason University as an undeclared student and I remain that way to this day. My intended field study was initially a bachelor of science in psychology, but after taking a couple of psychology classes, I found the classes repetitive and simply boring. My other options were global affairs and a bachelor of science in geography. The two options represent my interest in the world and its vastly different regions. I have noticed that individuals in individualist cultures have freedom when it comes to choosing an …show more content…
I was raised as a member of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which was a part of a group of churches named the Oriental Orthodox Church. The Oriental church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are very similar faith wise and often cause confusion because “oriental” means eastern. The main difference between the two churches is that the Oriental Orthodox rejects the ‘Council of Chalcedon’. In Ethiopia, my family, and most of the country, was very religious and attended church every Sunday. After we moved to America, everyone became busy and we did not attend church as much as we had in the past. I used to be very religious, but in the past several years, I have begun to have doubts. Despite those doubts, I still believe in God and follow my religion. Jane does not believe in God, but she believes that there is some sort of higher power, person or object, and she also believes that there is such thing as good or evil. I also believe that there is such a thing as good or evil. Something I have noticed about many people in this country is that if someone has different ideologies, whether it be religion or sexual orientation, those ideologies somehow diminish that person’s humanity. Even though Jane and I have ideological differences, I respect her stance and I believe that she respects my stance as well. These differing ideologies are important because they create cultures and