During the Cuban Revolution, many people thought that the results of the gender reforms that took place during the Revolution were both successful and effective (Documents One, Two, Four, …show more content…
Genoveva Hernandez Diaz states that prior to the revolution, women did not have many job opportunities available to them, besides the unhonorable jobs of being a prostitute or a mistress. In contrast, she says that after the Revolution, women can be independent and free, doing as they please (Document Four). In agreement with Genoveva, Yolanda Ferrer preaches of the benefits of the Cuban Revolution in the form of the Ana Betancourt School for Peasant Women. She states that this School for Peasant Women is very beneficial to women in that the school provides women with learning basic job skills and being cleaned up for a job. Ferrer also said that the skills that women learned at the Schools to Upgrade Skills for Domestic Workers allowed them to escape their traditional household roles, and that for the first time, black women were able to work as bank workers (Document Two). This can be observed with the decrease of illiteracy among women and also an increase in the Economically Active Population of women between the pre-Revolutionary and post-Revolutionary Cuba (Document Eight). As well as more education and job opportunities, women