Cuba Gender Equality

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Gender equality means that both women/girls and men/boys have the same rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Gender should not separate the roles we perform, just because of physical features. The Republic of Cuba finds that gender equality is a human right and should be treated as an important issue regarding all nations. Although as the Cuban government navigates through its tough economic times this may affect how much revenue Cuban woman earn and their rights.
In the Republic of Cuba gender equality has always been an important topic of discussion. In fact, the Republic of Cuba has achieved many goals and policies to protect the rights and opportunities of women and girls. Cuba has been able to make many improvements surrounding gender equality such as, life expectancy, literacy, and health. Other improvements include, increasing number of working women, more women are graduating college with degrees, and low incidents of HIV/AIDs. Even though with all its gender equality accomplishments, the Cuban culture is still very “machista” (variant of sexism).
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There are two main UN Millennium Development Goals which are, to ensure global primary education, and to achieve gender equality. Despite Cuba’s reputation for machismo, it has high rankings by the Save the Children and the World Economic Forum organizations. According to the World Economic Forum organization there has not been one country that has fully achieved gender equality, but there are many countries that are not far from achieving complete gender

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